Sculpture in the Garden 2015 Gallery
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Here is the 2015 Gallery Guide

1. Harmonic Symbosis Vorticity Gateway
Stan Harmon

2. Zucchini Trellis
Jim Gallucci

3. Manual Labor of Love
Cassandra Gooding

4. Cairn #1
Joseph Gargasz

5. The Three Sisters
Cynthia Aldrich

6. Garden Harmony
Cathy Perry

7. Native Homage
Jason Smith

8. Pool, seafoam
Roberta Wood

9. Flight
Jeff Hackney

10. Root Head
Paul Vernon

11. Harvest
Paul Vernon

12. Princess Oxide
Dempsy Calhoun

13. Beta Wave
Mike Roig

14. Tryptic
William Moore

15. Harvest
Micheal Waller

16. The Greening Cernunnous
Forrest Greenslade

17. Inner Beauty
Cathy Perry

18. Bent Tree
Douglas Tilden

19. Unbroken Chain
William Moore

20. Alter Ego's Journey
Tinka Jordy

21. Celebration
Cynthia Aldrich

22. The Art of Zen
Jason Smith

23. Succulent 2
Susan Moffatt

24. The Meditative Garden
Jeff Hackney

25. Second String Divers
Sofie Kennedy

26. Second String Synchronized Swimmers
Sofie Kennedy

27. Woman of the Whirled
Mike Roig

28. Two Irises
Holly Felice

29. Actual Proof
Jonathan Davis

30. Pulse
Jonathan Davis

31. Fond Regards
Douglas Tilden

32. Sentinal #3
Joseph Gargasz

33. Big Britches
Renee Leverty

34. Digital Arch
Jim Gallucci

35. Levitation
J. Ashley Knight

36. Generations Genetically Grumpy G-Nomes Gathering in Garden
Forrest Greenslade

37. Yellow Jacket
Mark Hewitt

38. Whirlpool, cerulean
Roberta Wood